Energy saving

LEDs exploit the energy almost entirely for the production of light, giving a great energy savings from reduced power consumption, which can reach up to 90% less electricity than traditional source type. The efficiency of this type of source is infinitely superior to the efficiency of a classic bulb.
On a scale of 10 to 100 ratio of lumens/watt, halogen lamp is placed with values between 15 and 20 l/w, while for the LED comes to values between 80 and 130 l/w, depending on the type of light.
Energy saving is also linked to the long life of the equipment, LEDs available on the market today, high-output power LED, have a duration between 50.000 and 100.000 hours of operation, which means that 50.000 hours are reached after 15 years, in hypothesis of an average power of 9 hours a day.
From the reading of these data, we can clearly understand the terms of which we speak today of energy saving related to LED light, and in this sense the EU rules provide the abandonment of the filament lamp in 2012 for the replacement, of which the LED, is an interesting alternative.