The LED and the environment

Energy savings and renewable sources of energy are at the center of the political , economical and social debate all over the world. Are among in the main tools that humanity has to combat the growing threat of the effects of climate change on a global scale. Drastically reducing energy consumption is aimed at 'drastic reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, highly harmful to the atmosphere, caused by the consumption of hydrocarbons, resources destined to the inevitable collapse.
The use of renewable energy sources combined with energy saving technology represent an important opportunity to gain substantial economic benefits and competitiveness that are in range of everyone, from individual citizens to 'enterprise and public institutions.
The European Union has adopted numerous successful measures and packages of proposals, in the form of labeling, minimum efficiency requirements, voluntary agreements, incentives and saving obligations, to curb energy consumption and CO2 emissions associated with it. The measures will dramatically increase the use of energy saving and renewable energy sources in all the countries and governments by impose legally binding targets. Thanks to a thorough reform of the system for the exchange of emission, that will impose a cap on emissions at Community level, all major emitters of CO2 will be encouraged to develop clean production technologies.
In this context, the LED technology has developed very important in recent years offering now mature technologies available for use such as the high efficiency leds.